Personal Brand Management – 7 Free iPad Apps for Personal Branding

If you are reading this, you may be one of the lucky million to have already purchased an iPad.  Or, maybe you are currently considering the device as an alternative to your laptop.  Either way, check out these 7 killer iPad apps that will help you build your personal brand – but won’t cost you a dime.


1.  WordPress

Admittedly, blogging from the iPhone version of WordPress was a tall task due to the small size of the keyboard.  Now, the experience is not unlike blogging from a desktop or laptop.  Check out Ben Parr’s Mashable article detailing one of the first blog posts written via the iPad.

2.  Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck has always been my favorite desktop Twitter app.  Given that the folks at Tweetdeck are always one step ahead of the curve, it comes as no surprise that their iPad app was ready immediately, and launched without a hitch.  If your motto is “Give me Twitter or give me death,” this app is for you.

3.  iBooks

At the outset, many will stick with the Kindle app they know and love – but eventually, Apple’s own iBooks will likely rule the digital book scene.  Incorporating with iTunes, your music, movie, and book libraries will all become one.  Efficient, cheaper, and better for the environment.  Can’t argue with that!


Today’s version of  “the dog ate my homework” is “I can’t access the file.”  And you know what? pretty much blows that excuse out of the water.  With the web-based service of, you can store all your content and access it via desktop, mobile, and yes…even iPad.  Saving to desktop is out, storing “in the clouds” is in.

5.  Evernote

All the cool kids today are in love with Evernote, and the iPad version is only going to take that love to a new level.  Evernote is a cloud-based application that allows you to take notes, pictures, and audio recordings, and store them by date, category, or location.  Never let another brilliant idea slip into oblivion – capture it with Evernote.

6.  Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation is a simple, yet brilliant, application that is truly the wave of the future.  You speak, it types, you use the text however you like – text message, e-mail, blog post, whatever.  With Dragon Dication, “write” your next blog article while laying on the couch.  How is that for productivity!

My only caveat is that the speech-to-text function is not perfect.  But, with the iPad’s larger keyboard, editing is now a breeze. Check it out in action.

7.  Feeddler RSS

My Google Reader feed has replaced any traditional outlet as my #1 source for news.  Completely customizable, I cut through the clutter and read only what I want to read.  Why use Feeddler RSS for iPad instead of simply accessing Google Reader directly?  Because it stores and syncs your feeds for offline use while you are away from wifi or 3G.  Brilliant!

What about you?  If you’ve purchased an iPad, has it made you a mobile personal branding machine?  If you haven’t purchased the device, are you considering it?

Ryan Rancatore discusses personal branding, social media and more at Personal Branding 101.  Connect with Ryan on Twitter at @RyanRancatore, or on Linkedin.