10 Ways to Accomplish Your Goals through Social Media

No matter where you are in your work life–recent college graduate, mid career or closing in on retirement–“there’s s an app for that,” as the saying goes. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, smart phones, WiFi–everywhere we go we are literally and figuratively connected.

Social media is about word of mouth marketing, developing relationships and connecting with people. There is competition out there for jobs and for new business. The good news is that you don’t have to hire an ad agency to help spread the word. All you need is a goal.

1. Expand your sphere of influence

-Connect with high school friends, college friends and friends of friends on Facebook
-Use LinkedIn to connect with past colleagues, professional association members, and professional peers
-Use Twellow to find the “right” people to follow by geography (twellowhood), or by industry
-Pay attention to the “Who to Follow” recommendations on Twitter

-Build a complete profile on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
-Use personal branding tools like Boxnet, Slideshare, Twitter links and Blog Links on LinkedIn
-Join and participate in on-brand LinkedIn groups
-Respond to questions and comment related to your niche on user forums, blogs and LinkedIn
-Read Smartbrief for your industry
-Create Google alerts by key words
-Subscribe to industry newsletters
-Use Alltop to find some of the best blogs

    2. Secure your brand

    3. Stay Current with Industry Trends

    4. Demonstrate you are “in the know” by sharing current information on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

    -Use links to great on-brand content to share on LinkedIn as a status update
    -“Like” good articles on Facebook so others can see what you know
    -Re-tweet other industry experts
    -Create your own list of “who’s who” on Twitter or follow other lists

    5. Give to Get

    -Give a recommendation on LinkedIn to get one
    -Offer a friend a lead or help on Facebook
    -Create #FollowFriday Tweets to credit helpful or noteworthy users
    -Re-tweeting is flattering, just give proper credit

      6. Be your own PR firm

      -Use video and audio to promote your brand on Facebook and Twitter
      -Create Slideshare presentations
      -Create a VisualCV and incorporate multiple forms of media
      -Update your status regularly across Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
      -Engage across social media to take the relationship to the next level
      -Develop trusting online relationships
      -Read and incorporate cutting edge strategies on Mashable, Social Media Today, Hubspot, Clickz and other social media sources for a greater understanding of how these tools can help.
      -See what’s being said about your brand using Social Mention
      -Create Google key word searches about your brand to see what is happening

        7. Nurture relationships

        8. Demonstrate technical savvy

        9. Monitor your work

        10. Don’t knock it before you try it

        -Launch your campaign- One hour a day for 30 days

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